A downloadable Collection for Windows

This is a game I developed on the MUGEN engine. Well, by defenition, it is not actually a 'game', more of a 'collection' of characters and stages that I downloaded from the MUGEN Archive. Anyway it is a quaint little 'game' that I am very proud of. If you would like to create your own fighting game experience, just download MUGEN from here: https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=5283--official-mugen-1-.... If you do not, and just want to experience the game, go ahead.

One thing I should set straight, there are a lot of flashing lights. If you are epileptic, just don't play, its not worth the risk.

Oh yeah, I forgot copyright.

The KOF Characters (Terry, Kyo, Iori, etc.)  Belong to SNK and SNK Playmore

The Undertale and Deltarune characters (Kris, Ralsei, Toriel, Undyne, etc.) belong to Toby Fox.

The Street Fighter characters (Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, etc.) Belong to Capcom.

Everything else featured here belongs to their respective owners, and I reccomend you check out the source material.


MUGEN 1.1 150 Slots - Copy.rar 588 MB

Install instructions

If you would like to play the game, it comes in a rar file, which means you would need to use something like Winrar or 7zip to extract it. then you need to look in the folder it gives you and double click on the 'mugen' application (The icon is a blue circle with a letter m inside it) then enjoy the show! (Look in options for controls)

Development log